Store Exclusions
At Target, we like to keep our customers informed on all the latest news, store exclusions, products safety recalls and product notifications. All notices can be found here.
Click on the relevant Special Notices to download and or view
- Bikes Assorted
These products are not available at the following Target stores.
- ‘Australis’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Chi Chi’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Covergirl & e.l.f.’ cosmetics ranges
These ranges are not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Essence’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘L'Oreal’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Max Factor’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Maybelline’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Revlon’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Rimmel’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘Sally Hansen’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores. - ‘The Balm’ cosmetics range
This range is not available at the following Target stores.