Sold at Target Australia Stores including Target Country and online from May 2007 to July 2018 inclusive
Defect: These products have some of the features of a stroller, but are unsafe for use as a stroller as they do not have a parking brake, tether strap, or relevant warnings as required by the mandatory standard ‘Trade Practices Act 1974 Consumer Protection Notice No. 8 or 2007 – Consumer Product Safety Standard for Prams and Strollers.’
Hazard: When used as a stroller to transport children, the product may cause injury to a child if the product rolls in an uncontrolled manner, or if a child falls out of the product.
What to do: Consumers should not use the product as a stroller to transport children. Consumers who purchased the product from Target believing that it was a stroller or could be used as a stroller can return the product to a Target or Target Country store where our team members will provide you with a full refund. Proof of purchase will be required to obtain a refund. Consumers who purchased SmarTrike trikes from retailers other than Target should contact their supplier for advice.