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Item code: 68413521
Tim Booth is shocked when his first emergency call-out for someone short of breath turns out to be an adult man with a blocked nose. Far from beginner's luck this turns out to be an omen for the rest of his paramedic career. Between the obligatory stories of objects lodged in body cavities to grown men who can't look after themselves when their wives are away Tim finds that the promised life-saving moments are far outweighed by the trivial frustrating and bizarre ambulance callouts. He and his colleagues battle fatigue abuse and burnout - treated with coffee occasional moments of heroism and a healthy dose of dark humour. Told with cutting wit pathos and disarming insight You Called an Ambulance for What? is a behind-the-sirens comedic look at the challenges absurdities and shocking reality of life as an Australian intensive care paramedic.
Author: Tim Booth
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
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