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The haunted home of Halloween. Saturday 31 October. Shop Halloween Range.

Trick or treat tips

Halloween is turning into a fun, holiday tradition for many Australian families. Lots of neighbourhoods are now trick or treating and kids are loving the opportunity to get dressed up as their favourite characters.

halloween bats

Start a new Halloween tradition

The safest and easiest way to bring Halloween alive for your kids is to create a spooky trick or treating experience in your own neighbourhood.
Don’t worry; it’s not as much organising as you’d think! Do a mail box drop for the houses in your street with an information sheet on how they can be part of the fun trick or treating event. Include the date, time and let them know about the print and cut out bunting that you can print from the Target website and hang on their mailbox or front fence or door or even these great pumpkin garden stakes you can pop in the front lawn- This will let others know that the house is participating in the trick or treat.

Print and Make. Let your neighbours know to knock on your door with this sign.

Throw a Halloween bash

If you have a big yard, think about hosting the neighbourhood families for a frighteningly fun Halloween bash to celebrate, finishing up the trick or treating excitement. In Target stores you will find adorable Halloween-themed treats in the shape of fangs, skeletons and pumpkins to keep the scary theme going. Remind everyone of the spooky occasion by hanging decorations in the yard - a few strategically placed props can really keep the mood fearfully festive. This animated witch is perfect for spooking people! or try some simple pumpkin lanterns to hang in the garden. Add a few fake cobwebs and spiders and you’re done!

halloween bats

Dress for the occasion

The most fun part of Halloween is dressing up! If your kids aren’t into spooky costumes, they can go as their favourite book or movie character. Another great idea is to choose a family costume and all dress up together as a posse of friendly witches or ghosts (both very easy costumes), or the characters out of Frozen. Kids will enjoy seeing their parents, and even pets! getting into the fun of the day, too.

happy Halloween

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